Kevin Chin

Kevin is the Founder & Chairman of several Arowana-controlled entities, including VivoPower and AWN Holdings Limited. He was previously Founder & Chairman of Intueri Education Group, Contrarian Value Fund and Co-Fonder & CIO of the Asian Masters Fund.

Kevin was credited for transforming RuleBurst which was on the brink of collapse before he took control. He was pivotal in leading the company through distress and building a thriving business, alongside a leadership team he assembled, culminating in its acquisition by Oracle Corporation.

His work on the turnaround of VivoPower was awarded a Gold Stevie for Innovative Achievement in Growth and Innovative Achievement in Organisation Recovery.

  • Education Savings and Funding Options – Kevin Chin

    Education is the key to success, opening doors to opportunities and empowering individuals to achieve their goals. However, the rising costs of education can be a significant financial burden for many families. To alleviate this burden and ensure a bright future for their children, it is essential to plan and explore various education savings and…

  • Budgeting and Expense Management – Kevin Chin Arowana

    Introduction Budgeting and expense management are fundamental skills for achieving financial health. By taking control of your spending, you can effectively allocate your income, save for the future, and avoid unnecessary debt. In this article, we will explore the importance of budgeting, practical tips for creating a budget, and strategies for effectively managing your expenses.…

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